Finding a Character
Saturday April 20
12pm - 1:30pm
In-Person Only
Saturday April 27
12pm - 1:30pm
In-Person Only
What is a clown? The clown, first and foremost, is a character that an audience can identify with or relate to. Costume, make-up, technical skills serve as a support to the character, not the other way around. How do you create that character? And how do you execute that character in a way that allows us to laugh at the best and worst of ourselves?
Tim Marrone has been performing and teaching clown techniques throughout the Baltimore/DC area and beyond for decades. Join him at FPCT for two fundamental, exploratory, exercise-based collaborative workshops.
Classes will take place in person at Fells Point Corner Theatre in the Sokal Theatre on the second floor. This space is unfortunately only accessible via stairs.
These workshops are appropriate for participants 18 years or older who have some past experience performing or studying performance. No prior clown experience necessary. Workshops can be taken together or alone. Each workshop is $50 each. No refunds can be issued after the starting date. Space is limited.
Tim received his training at the Neighborhood Playhouse School of the Theatre in New York City and has appeared on stage throughout the Northeast, most recently in the Baltimore/Washington DC area. For ten years, Tim served as a founding member of the Maryland-based clown/theatre troupe Theatricks. He has appeared as a silent comic character for the Washington National Opera, The Maryland Lyric Opera, The Summer Opera Series at Catholic University, and has toured as a clown with the George Carden Circus. As a physical comedian, Tim has co-written and performed productions with: The Baltimore Symphony Orchestra; The Baltimore Chamber Orchestra; The Lafayette Symphony Orchestra; The Waterloo Cedar Falls Symphony Orchestra; The West Shore Symphony; The Lansing Symphony Orchestra; The Billings Symphony Orchestra; The Kalamazoo Symphony Orchestra; The Lincoln Symphony Orchestra; The Jacksonville Symphony Orchestra; Symphony Orchestra Augusta and The River Concert Series in St. Mary's City, MD. Tim tours his solo show "Clowning Around With Shakespeare" for Young Audiences of Maryland and has taught theatre/movement classes at the Baltimore School for the Arts. In 2010 he joined The Big Apple Circus' Clown Care Unit Team and currently serves as a Red Nose Doc for Healthy Humor, Inc. at Children's National Medical Center in Washington, DC and at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore.